Friday, 30 September 2011

Initial Research - Will Pearson

Will Pearson is a panoramic photographer based in London, his pieces really engage you into   the the image and its surroundings as it encourages you to interact with the images and explore further than a regular photo could.

The composition of all the images really adds to the sense of location as you can physically move around the image and focus on different parts. Unlike regular panoramas you really have a sense of peripheral vision within the image as you can see so much within a small window. As well as panoramas Will Pearson also does gigapans where using a special motorised tripod combined with a high mega pixel camera you can create a huge image out of hundreds of pictures; similar to google earth. The tripod moves the camera to different intervals and then takes a picture of the desired scene it then combines them to make a big combined image as you zoom in the closer pictures load and looks as sharp as it first did zoom in you are still looking at a high res image.

Example of Will Pearson's work

Zoom abilities

Understanding the brief

I have been given a brief in which I have to shoot and create a VR panorama, the panorama will take on a cylindrical fashion so that the panorama will continuously go around, to make my images rotate around I will be using some given HTML/CSS/jQuery which moves the image on the webpage from either left to right or vice-versa.

I will have to choose multiple locations to shoot my images, I hope to find at least three different locations in which to shoot so that I can get have varied content panoramas.

I will try to use mostly non-destructive photoshop techniques to stitch my images together.

Some of the themes/narrative I have been given include:

Chase or follow
Scene of a Crime
Tourist Guide
Day in a Life
Sense of location

Panorama example