Thursday, 13 October 2011

Delivery - Coding

I have been looking at the code and determining what parts of code do what:

Jamie skinner - Panorama

VR panoramas project - September 2010

This part of the code taken from the index page displays the links that go to each individual panorama, the part in red I changed to display the name of the panorama, the part in bold italics I added as I had four panoramas.

The start position here determines where the position of image starts on the screen,Ii used this so that it shows the interesting parts of the image first, you can also change the direction so that it moves right.
As well as direction and start position you can also adjust the speed to suit the panorama.

The top part of the code links to the query found in the other folder that make thee panoramas for and makes it like a website, the bottom line "jquery.panorma.js" is the jquery that the panorama is run on.
If i wanted to change the code that it links to any change that I made would effect all the panoramas, by duplicating the code and changing the name of it and linking the jquery.panorma.1.js to this code I can then alter any values for the panoramas individually. This means if I want one faster and one slower I can as I have individual codes.

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