Thursday, 13 October 2011

Coloring images - Photoshop Techniques

When taking my images as I rotate the camera around due to where the sun is some of the sky will appear brighter or darker depending on where the sun is when I shoot. In photoshop there are numerous ways to match the colours of each image.

The first way is to use curves:

When you apply curves to a layer you can change individual colours Red, Green and blue or all of them at the same time, by bending this curve you change the way the image looks. You can add multiple points to fine tune the colours and by moving the curve top left it darkens it and then bottom right it lightens it, by changing the individual colours you can adjust how bright that individual colour is without changing any other colours.

Another way to adjust the colours is with levels, similar to curves you change the individual colours within the image, with this setting you can increase the amount /strength of the colour so by changing multiple colours you can math the images together.

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