Monday 28 November 2011


I have enjoyed this enjoyed this projects, I especially enjoyed learning illustrator and can now see how powerful this piece of software is.

I would not change anything to my final posters I really liked the look and feel of them and I can definitely see that there is a resemblance between my posters and the posters I had decided to change into a 20th century twitter poster.
The posters that I chose were from the 1940's from both a Soviet and United states background, I loved the reds of the Russian posters and how they layed out the different imagery and text together to create a quirky and bold poster that was visually bright and impacting considering that most of the posters from that era used very little colours. The RAF/USAF posters use some unique imagery that is iconic to the period, i could also see a direct link between the colours that the existing posters use and twitter.

If I did this project again I would like to make some more posters from the russian period as I like how the  russian poster looks and how the images are made of of very few colours.
The colours that I chose worked well and really made the posters look as if the were 20th century style propaganda posters, the images that I chose although simple were really effective and fit for there purpose, they also not to complicated that they didn't fit the style. 
I found that it was quick to to create the initial design but finishing it off It took me a while to do as I was playing around with the small details for some time getting the right look and feel, the quickest poster for me was the Twitter "Pigeon" poster as it was a trace of the existing poster. The other Twitter soviet poster took the longest as it was the most built up and I added some small details which took time to draw up and add to the correct places so that the poster looked right.

As these posters were to be to be designed to be able to print at A1 ideally I would have liked to print them up at this size however due to cost I decided A3 would be a good size to proof my work, after printing these I noticed some small variations and faults that I did not see on screen. I now have had a chance to fix these and perfect the posters.

I used solely illustrator for my posters in vector format, using and RGB A3 document in which I would change to CMYK for print. I have also created a full resolution PDF of my posters so that they are "flat" compared to my ai document which has layer which I can edit at any stage.

I felt my presentation went ok, I tried to think from memory and make up on the spot some extra details, this went quite badly and i started stumbling and lost where I was with my notes. I feel that i had good content in my presentation but it would have been far better if i had more notes that I could follow.

From my Crit for my presentation I needed to speed up my transitions and lose some of them as it looked a little messy, i would have also liked to include more detailed sketches and ideas from those i know for next time what I need to do

For my Poster Crit the only thing that I needed to change was on the pigeon poster where I could change the hammer to more of a "t" shape, I would also like to try the poster with the twitter bird as it would then be more associated with twitter.

Overall, I really enjoyed the project and would only change somethings as i have stated if i were to repeat this project.

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