Thursday 19 January 2012

leaflet cover

I showed these two designs in my pitch, although both were generally agreed would work as a cover there was much more discussion on the second BN1 cover, it was said to be much more intuitive and pointed out the specific aspects of the regeneration project, it gave more information that the first in a stylish way without compromising design. If i wanted to add further information to the purple one i believe that it would interfere with the design.
On looking at the second cover and after comments from the pitch i think that it would be a good idea colour each of the location differently, e.g all the hotels are white and all the clubs are a certain shade of blue. This could then be used as a sort of key for my map that I am wanting to include. Another idea that i had before was to have specific words in white (as this stands out the most) this way i could make sure that the audience would see these words first.

From my previous designs of this layout i have added the (what i would refer to the beach huts) on the side of the letters, i have also brought in the letters as i wanted to keep some space between the edges so that it looks neater.

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