"A media rich website to showcase project aims, background, participants, activities and outcomes"
In response to the brief did I complete what what was proposed/asked for.:
I placed all the imagery content that was given to me and where needed I added some interactivity.
I showed the project aims and current/recent projects swell as the activities and outcomes of the project.
Target audience
The target audience was businesses, schools and students in which I targeted by using a mixture of content to suit each audience.
Type: The Fonts that I went for were: ASAP, Yanone Kaffeesatz and Montserrat.
I decided to go with these fonts as it suited the the style that i wanted, those fonts are quite bold already as well as being easy to read, they also mix well for body and header text.
The full details are in my branding guidelines
Imagery: The imagery that I was given was not great, there were a few good images that worked well, others were not the greatest of quality and were also embedded in documents so I had to export them from those which meant it lost even more quality. I also had to source some images from elsewhere to fill in the gaps.
I enjoyed the building of the site, i got the hand of it quite quickly, i also liked how easy it was to alter the design with just a few pieces of code. Working for a live client was also quite interesting as you had to design it how they wanted and not how i liked, although i did like the site in the end but much preferred the more business style with the blues.
Time keeping/Another chance
I started of the project really well I had a clear idea on what I wanted to do, and had the home page designed very quickly, and as last time I have left it a long time to actually do something else and now find myself rushing at the end. There were a few more things that i wanted to do, i wanted to use ibooks author to design my branding guidelines because then i could enhance it with the use of html and css. I would have also like to have the clients come in again but an email had to suffice. i would have also liked to sort out some of my code as i believe that i could have reduced it by quite a bit.
Personal view / Does it work
I think that my website works well but I would like to change some of the content around as i still have a lot of content that would be good to have on the site.
The crit was good however i did show a piece that i was not happy with, it was incomplete and had pages that needed to be re-designed.
However now i have changed the bits that i did not like it looks far better and cleaner and the design matches the rest of the styling.
One thing that i did find difficult to work around was the tag because it it was partially on the page it meant that i had to have a set size on each page for the object directly to the right of it. the tag also meant that i had a strip down the left side that i had set the design around, again i bit of a nuisance.