Friday 5 October 2012

IBook navigation / Content ideas

Flow chart
The intro video will introduce the IBook and auto played when the book is open from the Ibook app.

There is a table of contents which Is like a main navigation available from any page by a two finger pinch gesture.

For my secondary navigation menu I want to use a double page spread and have it like a table in which all these WW2 and RAF items are placed. I really liked the double page spreads in the Aircraft book I had looked at previously. I want each item to be clickable and which takes you to a specific page.

German planes: I want this page to feature the German planes that were used in the second world war.

Air defence: I want this page to feature information/images on air defence used in the war.

Kenley location: For this page I want to include a google map which shows where Kenley airfield is.

Kenley airfield: For this page I want to have information on the airfield.

Kenley airfield: For this page I want to have further information on the airfield.

My Great Grandad: For this page I want information/pictures of my Great Grandfather

RAF Planes: For this page I want to include information and pictures of RAF planes.

Letter page: I want to have letters that talk about things during the war etc. With an audio track.

Interview page: I want to have my interviews on this page.

Final page: Credits final image etc.

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