Saturday 29 September 2012

IBooks Author


Front cover - 768 x 1024px - Can remove all existing content from front cover

Opening video/image - Auto plays on opening the Ibook - M4v 

Table of contents - Has all pages preset to the bottom of the page as navigation - Can remove everything except bottom page navigation.

Page structure - Chapters with sections in them


Video has an option to play full screen only

You can remove all titles, captions and backgrounds - If the title is removed linking to the object/widget  does not work.
Gallery with/without thumbnails 
M4v video - Can play within the IBook or full screen only

Large selection of quiz type widgets - Multiple choice,
image choice etc.

3D models can be moved by the user .dae files 
Large images can be placed with tags which zoom into the image and which the user can navigate around. 
Images with captions when clicked - Can contain images - IBooks v2
Scrolling text - Can contain images - IBooks v2
Audio files - Button

Audio files - scrubber bar

Audio files - Click on image 

No auto play
No page turns

After having a play around with IBooks author I have found that there are quite a few limitations, mostly because this is a new software. Due to this I will need to find ways in which to overcome these limitations. One main one is that PNG's with transparency cannot be used to frame widgets. Which was one of the things that i wanted to do.

Framed with transparent PNG 

When on ipad the widget comes to the front

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