Forestry Commission England
"Create a campaign to raise awareness of the various outdoor activities the forestry commission provides"
"Create a campaign to raise awareness of the various outdoor activities the forestry commission provides"
- Raise awareness of outdoor activities.
- Engage with a younger audience
- Any platform - able to transfer online (social media) PR newsletters
- Small budget
- 16-25 years old
"How can we attract people to think about Foresty Commission sites as an offer they want to visit, enjoy and more importantly repeat their visit, or even visit another site?"
British Eurosport
"The challenge is to promote the channel's experience and knowledge to capture viewers for the biggest race in the world against from ITV."
- 30 second TV spot, 5-6 pack shot of supplied logo.
- Mention 100th tour de France
- How it would be used online, banners, etc.
- Strong British interest
- Hardcore cycling fans, Event fans, 18-55, Very technology savvy, large disposable income
"Give the audience an authentic reason to choose the British Eurosports channel."
Douwe Egberts Coffee
"Generate excitement about Douwe Egberts Coffee, and create a desire for better coffee at home."
- New product, new packaging or communications idea.
- 250 Years, For the love of coffee, No-one knows coffee like we do
- Shake the old fashioned image
- Create a desire for better coffee at home
- Younger customers - increase there awareness of Douwe Egberts, 18-30, ABC1
"To get younger people to to re-appraise or discover the Douwe Egberts brand."
I have chosen to shortlist these three as two (Egberts, Eurosport) do/can include video elements, the forestry one is for any platform but must be transferable online and in newsletters. I did not specifically choose them because i can use video elements, I went more along the lines of choosing something that could be interesting and had useful supplied content. The Eurosport and Coffee briefs are the ones that I find most interesting.
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