We have been tasked with creating the identity for a brand new channel called latest Tv.
The following are show’s or idents which we could use on channel 8. Which serves as a guide to all motion graphics students working on the Latest TV projects with all relevant contact details.
Idents for Latest TV - They can say both ‘8’ or ‘Latest TV’ or combine both and say something to the effect of ‘You are watching latest TV on channel 8’ We may also need idents to use when the continuity says what’s coming up now or later: Now and Next.. Still research to compare with other channels - See if there are timed sequences at a different length. Remembering the brand colours for latest TV tend to be red and white using the Vandanna Font. There are times when a Vandanna font just won’t work with your designs, in which case, we are open to others.
Here’s what David Cuff the Channel Director had to say about it:
I think you need to distinguish and clarify the following types of Idents, Titles and Stings we are looking at before you detail the specific programme content.
1. Channel Idents/Stings:Duration 1-10 seconds. Branded Latest TV interstitials - still or with movement to use as break bumpers and between. Stand out stuff that say who we are. Perhaps changing with the seasons or months and/or to account for whatever is going on in the city or on the channel. Channel 4 do the 4 things - they brand the channel.
2. Specific programme Stings. Now or Next or Coming Up (or at a specific date time) messages: Duration 2-5 Secs. Still or with movement and VO. Co-branded with Latest TV and the Programme title/branding. Latest News, City Of, Latest Sport, The Vote
3. Specific Programme Titles Intro: Duration 10-20 seconds. Filmed and/or animated sequence, using specific programme branding, that brand the programme and give you a decent clue what its about.
4. Specific Programme Titles Outro: Duration 10-20 seconds. Filmed and/or animated sequences that close a programme with credits and copyright notice; closing with "A Latest TV Production
© Latest TV 2013" or a "Name of Production Company production for Latest TV"