Sunday 27 November 2011

Design Choices

The colours that i am going to use will be this palette for my russian style poster:

I have chosen these colours because they are the same colours used in the russian posters from the time (WW2)  I have been looking at, the colours works well together and are iconic of russian propaganda.

This will then be my colour scheme for my USAF poster:

I have chosen these colours because of the relation between twitter and the USAF poster that I want to develop into my twitter poster, the blues are used in both twitter and USAF propaganda posters and the brown as well as the pale yellow are used in posters for the USAF only as this is the style I am wanting to mimic.

Text choices:
I will be using the Kremlin font for my Russian poster as it fits the style i want to ache ice as its bold blocky and has sharp square edges to it.

For my USAF poster I will be using Futura condensed extra bold as its bold tall and looks very impacting on the page.

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