I found this modern soviet poster really effective, looking at it quickly you would not realise thats its a modern poster styled as a soviet propaganda poster.
Colour and Imagery:
The colours used here are iconic of a russian propaganda poster, the deep reds and oranges with the slightly tinted pale yellow background. I like how the black and white image of the soldiers look as if it is cotton which relates to the "one hundred percent cotton". The bars of colour used behind these are used in a variety of posters from the 20th century and its really effective how the bars come in from the opposite direction to cut of the image of the soldiers. The 3D style star with its gradient sides create a really sticking impact and feel to the poster and reminds me of some of the soviet space race posters where the stars are shooting across the sky symbolising rocket ships. My eye is drawn in from the point of where the star begins to where it ends and then I'm drawn into the the main body of text. There are 3 stars shown in the poster and from what i can tell its used to fill the gap with some of the text, for example with percent and organic the organic has a star on the end so that it meets the point of where percent ends. I don't think that the drop shadow on the soldiers image would be needed in my poster as from what i have researched its mostly block colour and gradients.
The text in this posters is displayed and laid out really effectively, the angled text works with all the other angles within the poster, theres not a vertical or horizontal line in this poster. The font that is used looks very similar to the kremlin font that I have looked at so when recreating this style of poster I will be sure to start with that font first and go from there. The use of exclamation marks and backwards letting is featured heavily again to give a more soviet and russian feel. The 1974 is featured once in full and then the 74 is shown on the star to both repeat it and to give the star a more quirky look along with the KLS text.
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