Thursday 19 January 2012


 I used the blue sky in each of the corners  as a place where i would place a small bullit point style information, this way it kept it tidy and neat, I also staggered the text so that the longest was at the top, this fitted in with the angle of the buildings. For each of the posters i used an individual logo that fitted within the space. The background image is the style that i had previously played around with - photoshop cutout filter - this gave me an artist impression look. I designed individual QR codes for each of the adverse that featured part of the logo.
I used a semi transparent box in which i kept my information, this kept it neat and made it easier to read.
I could of perhaps made each of the corner folds different colours similar to the folds of the inside of my leaflet but i think that green works the best as there is already a lot of blue within the advert and the pink would really stand out and not fit in with colours already in the advert.

I have also included printers marks for ease of trimming, for actually printing in a magazine i have alternate pdf's.

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