Friday, 27 January 2012

chosen section of speech

In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shank from this responsibility - I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavour will light our country and all who serve it -- and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. 

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. 

- 108 words -

Generations -
nounpeople of the same generationageage grouppeer group.(generationsgenerations agoagesyearseonsa long timean eternityinformal donkey's years.the next generation of computerscropbatchwaverange.the generation of novel ideascreationproductioninitiationoriginationinceptioninspiration.human generationprocreationreproductionbreedingcreation.
Freedom -
nouna desperate bid for freedomliberty, liberationreleasedeliverancedeliverydischargeliterarydisenthrallmenthistorical manumission. ANTONYMS captivity.revolution was the only path to freedomindependenceself-governmentself-determinationself-rulehome rulesovereigntynonalignmentautonomydemocracy. ANTONYMS dependence.freedom from local political accountabilityexemptionimmunitydispensationimpunity. ANTONYMSliability.freedom to choose your course of treatmentrightentitlementprivilegeprerogativescopelatitudeleeway,flexibilityspacebreathing spaceroomelbow roomlicenseleavefree reina free handcarte blanchea blank check. ANTONYMS restriction
Defending -
verba fort built to defend the borderprotectguardsafeguardsecureshieldfortifygarrisonbarricadeuphold,supportwatch over. ANTONYMS attack.he defended his policyjustifyvindicateargue forsupportmake a case forplead forexcuseexplain.ANTONYMS attackcriticize.the manager defended his playerssupportbackstand bystick up forstand up forargue forchampion,endorseinformal throw one's weight behind. ANTONYMS criticize
Maximum danger -
nounan element of dangerperilhazardriskjeopardyperilousnessriskinessprecariousnessuncertainty,instabilityinsecurity. ANTONYMS safety.that car is a danger on the roadsmenacehazardthreatriskinformal death trapwidow-maker.a serious danger of firepossibilitychanceriskprobabilitylikelihoodfearprospect.
Responsibility -
nounit was his responsibility to find witnessesdutytaskfunctionjobrolebusiness.they denied responsibility for the bomb attackblamefaultguiltculpabilityliability.let's show some social responsibilitytrustworthinesscommon sensesensematurityreliability,dependability.a job with greater responsibilityauthoritycontrolpowerleadership.
Endeavour -
verbthe company endeavored to expand its activitiestry, attemptseekundertakeaspireaimset outstrive,strugglelabortoilworkexert oneselfapply oneselfdo one's bestdo one's utmostgive one's allbe at painsinformal have a gohave a shothave a stabgive something one's best shotdo one's damnedestgo all outbend over backwardsformal essay.nounan endeavor to build a more buoyant economyattempttrybideffortventureinformal gocrackshot,stabformal essay.several days of endeavoreffortexertionstrivingstrugglinglaboringtoilstrugglelaborhard work,applicationindustrypainsinformal sweat'blood, sweat, and tears'elbow grease; literary extremely unwise endeavorundertakingenterpriseventureexerciseactivityexploitdeedactaction,moveschemeplanprojectinformal caper
Energy -
nouna good night's sleep will restore their energyvitalityvigorlifelivelinessanimationvivacityspirit,spiritednessverveenthusiasmzestvibrancysparksparkleeffervescenceebullienceexuberance,buoyancysprightlinessstrengthstaminaforcefulnesspowerdynamismdrivefirepassionardorzeal;informal zipzingpeppizzazzpunchbounceoomphmoxiemojogoget-up-and-govim and vigor,feistiness.
Faith -
nounhe justified his boss's faith in himtrustbeliefconfidenceconvictionoptimismhopefulnesshope.ANTONYMS mistrust.she gave her life for her faithreligionchurchsectdenomination(religious) persuasion(religious) belief,ideologycreedteachingdoctrine.PHRASESbreak faith with our own chairman has broken faith with this organizationbe disloyal tobe unfaithful to,be untrue tobetrayplay someone falsebreak one's promise tofaillet downdouble-crossdeceivecheat,stab in the back.keep faith with Mrs. Grimes has always kept faith with everyone in my departmentbe loyal tobe faithful to,be true tostand bystick bykeep one's promise to.
Devotion -
nounher devotion to her husbandloyaltyfaithfulnessfidelityconstancycommitmentadherenceallegiance,dedicationfondnessloveadmirationaffectioncare.a life of devotiondevoutnesspietyreligiousnessspiritualitygodlinessholinesssanctity.morning devotionsreligious worshipworshipreligious observanceprayersprayer meetingchurch service.


"1961: John F Kennedy sworn in as US president
The Democrat John F Kennedy has been sworn in as the youngest ever elected president of the United States.
The 43-year-old Roman Catholic was inaugurated as the 35th president on a snow-covered Capitol Hill in Washington. He takes over from the oldest president in American history, General Dwight Eisenhower, who is bowing out aged 70.

The president's Republican rival, Richard Nixon, who came a close second in the race for the White House, also attended the inauguration ceremony.
Millions watched the swearing-in of the new president on television. He chose to wear formal dress, including a top hat, for the occasion.

President Kennedy began his speech by addressing "my fellow citizens" - the term first used by President George Washington but rejected by later presidents in favour of the less formal "my fellow Americans".
His ten-minute address appealed to Americans to unite in the fight against the common enemy of man: tyranny, poverty, disease and war itself.
For the people of the world struggling against the "bonds of misery", the president pledged, "our best efforts to help them help themselves".
He continued: "If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich."
He also appealed to the Soviet Union to begin a new quest for peace.
"Let both sides for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms and bring the absolute power to destroy other nations under the absolute control of all nations," he said.
President Kennedy closed his speech with the words: "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man."
His words were greeted with rousing applause."

"President Kennedy was a Harvard graduate and a war hero.
He became a Democratic Congressman in 1946 and a senator in 1952. He married Jacqueline Bouvier in 1953.
He ran against Richard Nixon for the White House. In September 1960 millions watched the pair battle it out in a series of television debates.
Shortly after his election, he supported a Cuban rebel attempt to overthrow the communist regime of Fidel Castro in Cuba.
It was unsuccessful and led the Russians to install nuclear weapons on Cuba in 1962 triggering what became known as the Cuban missile crisis.
The crisis was narrowly averted. In August 1963, Kennedy negotiated the first nuclear test ban treaty with the Soviet Union in what was seen as a first step towards ending the Cold War.
On 22 November 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated. He was shot in the head as he drove through Dallas, Texas on his way to a political festival."

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