Wednesday, 18 January 2012

leaflet analysis

This leaflet uses a lot of imagery and uses a stylish way to display the text in the form of speech bubbles. The bubbles also have a stroke which could be used to group some of the information that are reverent to each other.

The way in which the information is laid out makes it look a lot more friendly, if i saw all the information shown in big blocks it would turn me way from the leaflet. The small touch of the arrows carry across the theme of moving up which is featured the main deliberation. All the small touches such as the clouds, landscape and the way the green fades out with its "blocky" gradient effect, its is a lot like the 20th century posters that I looked at in the previous project.
This is the reason i decided to look at this individual leaflet in-depth was the way in which it folds, the bars of colours to separate the information into relevant sections works really well at the edge of the leaflet, it looks fun to pick up and read. On the front it doesn't necessarily tell you what the leaflet is about but draws your attention in with a competition and  large 3d text which gets you interested.
I have come across this style of leaflet, i really like how the colours contrast together as well as the unique folds of this style of leaflet, the map used on this poster is really creative i love how that the words used spell school, looking at an arieal shot of london road there is some potential in the idea.

These buildings could almost be turned into letters and used to spell something that would fit in with my design

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