Saturday 10 March 2012

SEO - Web safe

Search engine optimisation is where the site is optimised so that it can be found in the top rankings of a search engine:

SEO Techniques:

Linking to external sites that have the same topic
Links from external sites to your website
Blogs and forums are a good start

Image alternate text is used by search engines to "read" your image and video content.

Site name

Keywords/meta tags for images, pages, titles that give more information about the site in single words and phrases.

Uploaded to search engines, this way shows the entire site to the engine, the site might not have many links to its internal pages which means that the engines would not be able to index them as well.

I run a site called Airsoft tutorials and have gone through the pain staking process of SEO, it has worked well as searching "Airsoft tutorials" on google the first page of results is to multiple links of my site, currently 1,2,67, and 10 all go to my site, or forums. I also have different search terms in which the site can also be found, using the web tools i can view statistics of the site, I can see what terms were used and what sites users came from to get to my site, this is useful as i can see areas that i need to expand on the SEO side.

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