Monday 10 December 2012


For this project I was asked to create an IBook that tells a family story. Within this book we also had to have an interview that we recorded with animations that we made in After effects.

I really enjoyed this project, i enjoyed making something for another media type other than web and print, also the added fact of interactivity made it a much more fun project to work with. I had never used IBook author before but really enjoyed working with it, even if it was a little limiting. I quite enjoyed the process of learning this software and solving the problems that i came across.

I did not really like the interview part, I kept putting it off and that really affected the interviews in terms of animation, I would have liked to improve upon my intro video as i think that it is missing something and is a little short.

Looking at some of my research again and back at my Ibook there is a lot more i want to do to it. I would have liked to animate an opening book like in one of the videos i saw, i would have also liked to do a few more animations with 3D images. I really enjoyed using the HYPE app within my ibook and would really have liked to develop some more widgets in it.

If i were to do it again would started my interview a lot earlier. I think doing it so late really effect the piece and my animations as well as my book. I think as i had used after effects before i wanted to focus more on creating the the ibook within ibooks author as this was a new piece of software i had not used before.

Overall I think this is a really good project to do, I learned a lot when I filmed my interview. I really enjoyed using Ibooks author to create something especially for the ipad.

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