Tuesday, 31 January 2012

visual research

1 like the idea of using polaroid images within my video, Like the top image I would like to recreate this using images of JFK and then have them falling from the sky and perhaps have them land on a surface/floor that makes up a bigger picture.

I found this effect in a film I saw, there was also variations in the colour, size and intensity, In the film the video looks like it has really bad section and gives has this effect applied to the video, I can think of quite a few objects that I could apply it to.

This series of images show a car moving though a busy city, it has been sped up and has also been blurred which further enhances the visual effect of it being sped up, It make up a a journey and completely changes the way in which (usually) driving though a city is: quite dull and boring, it changes it to a completely different feel and look and looks fun.

One of the most influential pieces I have looked at is one of the video's I came across in my second year of imedia, this is the kind of abstract video the I think looks really great and also goes so well with the audio.

I really like the paint that he has had running over someone as well as how well timed and edited the clips are to the audio, it works really well, parts that I like in the video are where he has taken objects that you would not think as impressive which he then turns into a great clip by using quick cuts and a mixture of angles to make it more interesting. I also like how with some clips he has sped them up or slowed them down and even played backwards, the edits work with the music and where the music tempo drops or changes to a new section it shows in the video.

Another really good video I like that has a lot of video speed changes is the following:

My favourite bit is at 29 seconds in the use of slow motion there looks awesome as the camera moves and rotates around the water, reading the comments it actually said the the rain has been put in after in after effects, looking further into that i found many tutorials on how to do it, so this will be an option for me.
He has also used twixtor which enhances the slow motion effect.

Earlier I went around my house and shot rough pictures of objects that I could use in my film which i have in my sketchbook which I have annotated. From these clips I can then see objects that will/may/not work which i can use to sped up my shooting time so i do not spend time setting up and trying to film something that looks rubbish.

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